Privacy Policy

Kume Sekkei Co., Ltd., (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby stipulates as follows the personal information protection policy, and we will promote the protection of personal information by building a mechanism for personal information protection and making all employees thoroughly aware of the importance of personal information protection and having them implement painstaking initiatives.

Management of Personal Information

In order to maintain customers' personal information in an accurate and up-to-date state and prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, manipulation, or leaks of personal information, the Company will implement the necessary measures, such as preparing a maintenance and management system for security systems, and thoroughly educate employees, conduct safety measures, and conduct stringent management of personal information.

Purposes of Use of Personal Information

We will use personal information that was provided by customers for sending e-mails and materials as contact from the Company, information about work, and replies to questions, as well as for hiring activities.

Prohibition of Disclosure or Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company will appropriately manage personal information that was provided by customers and, excluding cases that fall under one of the matters below, we will not disclose personal information to third parties.

  • A case in which the customer agreed
  • A case in which disclosure will be made to a company to which the Company will consign work in order to conduct a service desired by the customer
  • A case in which it is necessary to conduct disclosure based on a law or ordinance

Safety Measures for Personal Information

The Company implements thorough security measures in order to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information.

Inquiries by the relevant person

If you want an inquiry, correction, or deletion of your own personal information, we will confirm your identity and then handle the matter.

Compliance with laws, ordinances, and standards, and reconsideration

The Company will comply with Japan's laws, ordinances, and other standards that are applied in relation to personal information that the Company possesses, and it will also appropriately reconsider the content of this policy and strive to improve it.


If you would like to make an inquiry related to the Company's handling of personal information, please contact the center stated below.

Kume Sekkei Co., Ltd. Customer Consultation Center

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